7 Common Causes of Sudden Cardiac Death

 7 Common Causes of Sudden Cardiac Death 

Do you know that Cardiac Arrest is one of the highest causes of sudden death outside accidents in most parts of the world?

Are you prepared to die soon without fulfilling your destiny? Do you want strangers to take over the raising of your children as a result of sudden death? Have you noticed by experience what early exit of dependents has caused in the lives of some people?  You are not alone in this.

Read on to know what could lead to this abysmal episode. 

  • Heavy alcohol use or binge drinking

Safe drinking policies put in place by some countries are linked with heart failures, according to research done in 2022 -European Society of Cardiology (ESC).

  • Physical exertion or physical stress, including competitive sports:

1 out of 3 cardiac arrests in athletes occur while resting or sleeping after activity. However, regular physical activity lowers the risk of cardiac arrest.

  • Drinking too much coffee:

According to WHO, getting too much caffeine in powders, pills, or energy drinks can also lead to cardiac arrest. Consumption of these must be limited.

Smooth as a baby, you can meet Dr. Law Bank of Royal House Hospital for more tips and solutions to this menace. Note: It is better to prevent cardiovascular diseases than to take the risk of having Cardiac Arrest!

  • Recent use of cocaine, amphetamines, or marijuana

We understand and empathize with you on reasons why you may want to get involved in hard drugs.  But do you know that the consequence of this act could lead to untimely death.

  • Severe emotional stress in the prior month

This is common among divorced couples, failed relationships, and the likes. Going through unnecessary emotional stress is one of the reasons for sudden heart failures. 

  • Influenza (flu) infection in the prior month

often, people who suffered from deadly infectious diseases such as flu, ebola, covid etc prior to heart attack hardly survived it.

Everyone’s desire is to live a long and fulfilling life; become the best and help others become who they want to be. One thing is sure.  You can only achieve this and more when you stay healthy and you’re alive.

So, if you love life just as I am, then follow up on the following advice and you will be saving over $20k monthly and also stay alive and well.


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