
7 Common Causes of Sudden Cardiac Death

  7 Common Causes of Sudden Cardiac Death  Do you know that Cardiac Arrest is one of the highest causes of sudden death outside accidents in most parts of the world? Are you prepared to die soon without fulfilling your destiny? Do you want strangers to take over the raising of your children as a result of sudden death? Have you noticed by experience what early exit of dependents has caused in the lives of some people?  You are not alone in this. Read on to know what could lead to this abysmal episode.  Heavy alcohol use or binge drinking Safe drinking policies put in place by some countries are linked with heart failures, according to research done in 2022 -European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Physical exertion or physical stress, including competitive sports: 1 out of 3 cardiac arrests in athletes occur while resting or sleeping after activity. However, regular physical activity lowers the risk of cardiac arrest. Drinking too much coffee: According to WHO, getting too much caffeine i

The Untold Story of Love

  "The Untold Story of Love" Once upon a time, in a quaint little town nestled among rolling hills, lived two souls named Emose and Odion. They were neighbors, yet their paths rarely crossed. Emose was an artist, her studio filled with canvases that whispered secrets of love and longing. Odion, on the other hand, was a writer, his typewriter clacking away at tales of adventure and mystery. One sunny morning, as dew-kissed petals adorned the garden, Emose found an old wooden box hidden beneath a rosebush. Curious, she opened it to discover a bundle of yellowed letters tied with a faded ribbon. The letters were addressed to a woman named Mirabel, written by a man named Tony. They spoke of stolen glances, moonlit walks, and promises of forever. Emose's heart stirred. She wondered about Mirabel and Tony—what had torn them apart? Why were these letters abandoned? She decided to unravel their story. Odion, too, stumbled upon The Untold Story of Love. His imagination ign

How I dealt with Failure & Disappointment

  My Story   You Too Can Succeed! How I dealt with Failure and Disappointment I was told the story of my life by my late father. The circumstance behind my birth was so interesting and intriguing. I had developed-slow syndrome.   That is to say, I was talking already. why I was still trapped behind my mum’s back as a baby. A sick and unwanted child but thank God for my parents who believed in me and called me special.   Treated me special! Though no deformed physical but life wanted to rob me of her existence. But as I grew up, I noticed that I wasn’t dull mentally anyway. This made my teacher’s to like me in several ways that they do visit me whenever I was unable to be in school. Special in truth! 2018, excavating debris from a freely leased land for Church Building "Faith At Work Living Church" One thing played out and you will soon realize…   Here are some nuggets of what changed my life from being negative to become positive minded #1. OBSERVATION I r