How I dealt with Failure & Disappointment

 My Story


You Too Can Succeed!

How I dealt with Failure and Disappointment

I was told the story of my life by my late father. The circumstance behind my birth was so interesting and intriguing. I had developed-slow syndrome.  That is to say, I was talking already. why I was still trapped behind my mum’s back as a baby.

A sick and unwanted child but thank God for my parents who believed in me and called me special.  Treated me special! Though no deformed physical but life wanted to rob me of her existence.

But as I grew up, I noticed that I wasn’t dull mentally anyway. This made my teacher’s to like me in several ways that they do visit me whenever I was unable to be in school. Special in truth!

2018, excavating debris from a freely leased land for Church Building
"Faith At Work Living Church"

One thing played out and you will soon realize… 

Here are some nuggets of what changed my life from being negative to become positive minded


I remembered visiting some senior cousins in a home where I began my primary education.  I was about 19. I saw that this lovely people where bonded together in love, joy, and positive mindset. I became curious because I have never experience such within my folks.  Even when I observed that these cousins of mine weren’t rich as at that time, there was something beautiful going on with them.  There was God’s joy living with them.


I observed that there were times they had nothing to cook or eat for a whole day.  They just never showed it on their faces.  They could place a kettle of water on fire for the whole morning, noon and night.  This will make you think that they have so much to cook, eat and share.  But they were doing this to wave off what I call the spirit of heaviness and discouragement.

#2. Be Positive…. 

As he thinks, so is he… the Holy Book says.  I saw that today those my cousins are all wealthy men today. They were positive in action, discussions, and what have you.  Never say it is over with you otherwise it will be over.  Never say It is finished otherwise it will be finished.  No matter the pain, it is not over until your breaths are no more. Only losers quit so easy!

#3.  Punch the Puncher.  

You might have been through pain.  Pains brings out the best solutions.  No pain no gain. It is wired to happen but those who don’t realize this breezes out with this wind called pain.

I have been through countless ordeals in life but each of them taught me lessons that inspires me to stand firm.  Don’t give up.  It may look like you have failed people but don’t fail yourself.  Don’t fail your creator.  You were made for a reason.  You weren’t made to give up in times of predicaments.

Please wait a little… I wish to continue.  I will tell you more of my story and how I dealt a heavy blow on disappointment and failure in life soon…



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